Monday, March 15, 2010

TMI, I know.

Okay, so as of a few days ago, I had not pooped for 4 days. Between the progesterone and the percoset they gave me after my extremely painful embryo retrieval in which my doctor tossed my right ovary around like he was making a pizza, I could not crap.
I tried everything.
Grapes, Colace, Fiber-One cereal, anything I could stuff in my mouth to get pooping...
Alas, no shit.

Then, Murphy's Law happened: I had to drink 40 ounces of water the morning of my transfer. I wasn't allowed to pee because they need your bladder to be full.
So, we're walking into the hospital for my transfer, me trying not to pee, and I get the urge to go #2. Are you serious? I have never been able to poop without peeing, too. But, the poo was finally going to make it's appearance.

So...I went, only peed a little, and it felt AWESOME.

Just had to share...


  1. I went almost 6 days after my retrieval, drank a whole bottle of Mag Citrate and still couldn't go. I ended up having to do an enema, I thought I was going to die if I went another hour without pooping!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Congrats! Best feeling. I had a good one after 2 days and I felt light as a feather. :D Water, water, cures everything. :P

  4. LOL! This so happened to me. Like Christa said, I ended up using an enema. It was so miserable. I don't know why the RE's don't prepare you for that lovely side effect...
