Monday, June 7, 2010

I'm normal? No way!

When we saw the ultrasound two weeks ago, the bean was measuring at 6.7 weeks. Heartbeat was 144. So everything looks healthy. I was worried about it measuring smaller (I thought I was at least 8 weeks at that point, according to the first day of my LMP.) I was also worried about whether my PCOS could sustain the pregnancy without the help of PIO or something else. My doctor reassured me everything was normal. Normal. I am totally not used to that word. He also said that the ultrasound picked up the corpus luteum cyst, so, apparently, my hormones are doing what they are supposed to.
I am not feeling sick (just a weird icky feeling before and after I eat), and I wondered if that could be because I have been on so many hormones in the past that my body is just rolling with it. My belly is growing at an alarming rate, partially due to the fact that I am eating like a hog and not exercising as much. I am in a wedding in October and, at this rate, someone will be wheeling me down the aisle in a wheelbarrow. Classy.