Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Hormonal Ramblings

I am soooooo sick of waiting to be pregnant, watching everyone around me get pregnant and watch other peoples' kids grow up, all the while listening to my friends who are parents complain about how hard it is to be a parent. Boo Hoo for you! It's much harder to NOT be a parent!

I hate Progesterone. I am tired all the time, and a complete b**ch, not to mention my uterus feels like it is about to drop straight out of my body. 

Why can't I be normal?

Friday, March 13, 2009


So, my BFF's dad died today. 

I am freakishly serene right now. Two months ago, I NEVER would have felt like this. Every winter feels like Siberia. It is insane.  Then, add to it my dad dying and you have a colossally depressed individual. I have very recently begun to move on from my dad's death. It feels good, like I weigh less (and not just b/c I am low-carbing it.). 

And now I feel like I may be able to help, because the sun is shining and I see the light at the end of the tunnel. Maybe this is why. Maybe this is why my dad had to be taken from me so quickly. I had to be there for a friend who had always been there for me.

When I lofted my parent's Thunderbird into someone's yard, he was right there beside me.
And the California trip... I will do a separate entry for that. 
And, of course, when my dad died.
I was crushed and he was there.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Infertile Myrtle.

According to medical professionals, I am "infertile." I hate that term. It sounds so hopeless. But, with Reproductive Technologies, I can be fertile again, I guess.

So right now, I am in the process of my third Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) cycle. Every evening I shoot myself up with hormones that have so far made me fat, and every 3 days I return to the doctor's office so they can take blood and do an ultrasound of my ovaries to see what my follicles are doing. Lovely. The process is expensive and time-consuming, but it is exciting b/c I am that much closer to becoming a mommy.

Of course, it just so happens that EVERYONE and their uncle is getting pregnant all around me as if there are sperm floating in the air. It is frustrating, but I just keep reminding myself that more time for me is a good thing, and by the time I have a baby, their kids won't be cute anymore. LOL!


Welcome to Making Lemonade.
So, I have been through so many interesting and crazy situations in my life, that I decided a blog was in order. 
At times, I will share funny, sad, and downright weird stories and the journey I faced in order to make things normal again.
I decided to name this Blog "Making Lemonade" because my experiences have taught me that you need to make the best of every situation, and that many negative experiences actually do teach you something. 