Monday, May 10, 2010


Sorry for the lapse... I have had Blogger Slackeritis for a few weeks.

Well, a lot has happened...
I ran a few 5Ks and did pretty well. The first was a trail run, and I have to report that Slow and Steady does NOT win the race, but I finished in the middle of the pack and wasn't last in my age group (yes, there's a 30-34 year-0ld who actually sucked worse than me!) I was very proud of myself, considering I was paralyzed three years ago and now I'm running 5Ks.
The second 5K was actually a race-walk up Mt. Summit, 3.5 miles straight uphill (The people who ran this one need their heads examined.) I finished pretty well that time, too. This time I beat more people in my age group! My sister-in-law and friend wanted to run back down the hill, and I said, "What the hell." So I ran. That was a total of 7 miles that day! Since then, I have been running at least 2 miles a day, trying to get in 3 most days. I have caught the bug! Next race: Memorial Day!

I have lost more weight and finally broke a huge milestone!! I have lost a total of 43 pounds since February, and I am down 85 from my "hospital weight." Everyone is complimenting me... I even confiscated a note one day from a 7th grader that said, "Does Mrs. Kristen look skinier?" I was so happy a 7th-grader noticed anything other than herself that I didn't even bother to correct her spelling OR give her a detention for passing notes.

Amid all of this positivity, my father-in-law died. It was very hard and stressful, especially since there was no spouse to take care of arrangements. So we (the four brothers, me, and my SIL) were left to take care of everything.

On the baby front, I had decided to not even think about conceiving. I wanted to get my weight under control, get more healthy, and concentrate on running races. No such luck. Even when you don't want to think about it, it will force you to!! My period is very late (my last was March 24), and I do not want to take a test because I am afraid it will be another negative. I mean, who am I to think I could actually get pregnant by just having sex around ovulation time?!?! Silly me!!! I am crampy and irritable, so AF's probably on her way, anyway...

1 comment:

  1. You're amazing, BW...major congratulations on the weight loss. Glad you're back to blogging. (^_^)
